Protect Yourself From Phishing

Protect yourself from phishing

Protect Yourself From Phishing

Phishing is a form of identity theft, whereby consumers are contacted via fraudulent emails or telephone calls which appear to be from a trusted source. People are tricked into giving out personal information such as account numbers, credit card numbers, or passwords. While we have all been cautioned about giving out information, it is easy to be duped when we believe the source is trusted.

Please know that at Sullivan Bank, we have many layers of protection to safeguard the information of our clients. Also, you can be assured that we will never contact you for personal information in that manner. Should you ever be approached via email or phone by a person identifying themselves as being with the bank, and that contact is asking for any type of account number, password, or other identifying data, do NOT share your information with them! If this should happen, we would appreciate your making us aware of the issue, so that we may address it immediately. If you believe the communication is legitimate, verify it by contacting someone at your local branch of the bank.

While we work diligently to guard your information, the best form of protection from phishing is being aware that it can happen to anyone, and making sure you know ahead of time how to handle the situation. At any time you should have questions regarding phishing or any other form of identity theft, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-645-3191.